# File: e_info.txt # This file is used to initialize the "lib/raw/e_info.raw" file, which is # used to initialize the "ego-item" information for the Angband game. # Do not modify this file unless you know exactly what you are doing, # unless you wish to risk possible system crashes and broken savefiles. # After modifying this file, delete the "lib/raw/e_info.raw" file. # The ego-item indexes are defined in "defines.h", and must not be changed. # Ego-items 1-63 are "armor", and 64-127 are "weapons" # Note that every "ego-item" type has a different "index", and can only be # created from items that belong to a certain "slot" in the equipment, if # one assumes that "ammo" belongs to an imaginary slot (23). # # Note that several "ego-item" types may share the same "textual name", # such as with "Armor of Resistance" and "Shield of Resistance". # Changes made by Jonathan Ellis... # Elemental brands have been renamed to Fire, Frost, Lightning and Acid. # Bow of "Velocity" renamed to "Power": Velocity means "speed" where I come # from, and I don't see any speed bonuses on that particular ego-bow, nor should # there be. # Ammo slays are now "Slay" instead of "Hurt": the same flag was used, not # much point in the different name... # From OAngband: Helmets of Serenity (resist confusion, fear, psi and sound.) # Cloaks of Protection now give shard resistance. Took this idea from # OAngband where there are Cloaks of Shard Protection. The cloaks are, however, # rarer than they used to be. And more expensive... (If it's any help, # visualise a cloak made of an exceptionally durable material that isn't # slashed up easily, either by weapons or by shrapnel.) # Acid and Lightning branded arrows. # Weapons of Morgul are now usable by players, if you are willing to live # with the penalties... Of course, it still puts the user in danger of his # very soul (drain life) and is heavily cursed. But it has hold life: other # creatures will not be able to steal the character's life force, though # the weapon will do so itself. It will also poison the living, and has power # over the undead who made it. # Holy Avengers, crowns of Lordliness and Serenity resist fear. # Further changes since then, made by Jonathan Ellis (JLE): # Some item rarities have been tweaked. JLE thought that the shields should # be like the armor, in that all four of the "standard" four single-resist ego- # types should be about the same rarity. # Which items can be helmets and crowns has also been redone. It works as # follows: # - single-stat helms are only caps/helmets, not crowns. Light and Infravision # likewise belong to helms only. # - Crowns of Might, Lordliness and the Magi can only be crowns, not helmets. A # new ego-type (of Night and Day) can also only be crowns. # - Telepathy, Seeing, Regeneration and Serenity apply to both crowns and # helms. # - Of the cursed items: Teleportation is helms only, Dullness is crowns only, # Sickliness is both. # Boots of Stability - resist nexus and feather fall. Rarer than any of the # "standard" boots except speed. # *Slay* extra bonuses have been reworked. *Slay Demon* provides resistance # to fire, as many demons use fire attacks, in addition to its int bonus. *Slay # Undead* keeps its see invis and blessed state. *Slay Troll* allows you to # regenerate like a troll and increases your strength. *Slay Giant* gives you # the strength of a giant and sustains that strength. *Slay Orc* gives you # sustain dexterity as well as a dex bonus. *Slay Dragon* of course has kill # dragon and constitution. *Slay Animal* allows you to go for days without # food, like many hunting animals, as well as giving you intelligence. *Slay # Evil* is blessed and has a wisdom bonus. # A "bad" ego-type for both armor and shields: Vulnerability (in both # cases.) # Boots of Noise no longer exist, and the helmets of Stupidity, Naivety # and Ugliness have been combined into one of "Dullness". This is to make way # for the potential creation of more ego-types of helmet and boot while keeping # all the helmets and boots together for ease of reference. # A "bad" ego-type for bows as well: the bows of the Nazgul are cursed and # drain experience, but permit the player to see into the wraith-world (see # invisible.) So now, every type of item has either one or two "bad" ego-types: # crowns and helms have three between them, but one is only applicable to # crowns (Dullness) and one to helms (Teleportation): both can get Sickliness. # Ammo no longer slays orcs or trolls, only the more wide-ranging x2 slays # (animal and evil) and the "big three" x3 slays - demons, undead and dragons. # Slay Giant has also been retained for the benefit of Titans, and Wounding is # of course still the most common. # Pinched from OAngband (like so many other of my ideas :-) Dwarven Armor. # May only be heavy armor, metal scale mail and upwards - not rusty chain mail # as dwarven stuff does not rust. In fact, it cannot be damaged by anything, # and furthermore provides a big AC bonus, free action and small bonuses to # strength and constitution. # Poison branded weapons, melee and missile. Note that unlike other # elemental brands, they do *not* provide the resistance to poison. # Normal missile launchers of Extra Might can only have a +1 bonus. No more # Heavy Crossbows of Extra Might (+2) that are really (x6). But look at what # else you're getting (see below.) Only the new, rarer and special types of # missile launcher can have the +2 bonus to extra might. ### Some new ego-items have been added that are depth-dependent. They are ### usually rarer than other ego-types. And often more powerful... # Shield of Preservation: preserves the character's body, life force and # magical equipment (sustain str, con and dex, hold life, disenchantment # resistance) and the basic four. # Crown of Night and Day: basically an improved and rarer version of # helmets of Seeing and Light combined. Resist light, dark, blindness, # permanent light, see invis. # Gloves of Thievery: only leather gloves, not gauntlets or cesti. Provide # dexterity, free action, searching and feather fall, and a bonus to-hit but # not to-dam. # Gauntlets of Combat: these can only be gauntlets and cesti, not leather # gloves. Think big metal gauntlets with spikes... Extra attacks, strength, # but NO free action. Useful, therefore, for warriors, but not mages. # Boots of Elvenkind - speed (up to +5), stealth, feather fall. Leather # boots only, not metal shod. Boot rarities have been tweaked to make sure # that boots providing speed are no more common than they used to be. (Well, # yes, they are slightly more common, but one of the speedy types of boot # only gives up to +5 speed and is not applicable to all types of boot, so # the total average speed bonus counted across *all* types of ego-boot is # 0.25 as compared to 0.22 before. Don't go calling me generous, now...) # Blade of Gondolin: slays demon, orc, troll and dragon. Provides one # random ability, plus permanent light (it shines when there are enemies # about - which is *everywhere* in Angband) and resist darkness, see invis # and free action. Sharp (non-priestly) weapons only. # Weapon of Fury: heavy weapons only, give up to 2 extra attacks and have # big to-hit and to-damage bonuses and resist fear. But they aggravate. It is # intended to give them a penalty to-AC if someone can be bothered to tweak the # code to allow negative bonuses to non-cursed items - and positive bonuses to # cursed items. This already exists in OAngband (hint, hint.) And if anyone # knows how to give this item an activation for Berserk Fury... # Sling of Buckland: gives up to +2 dex, extra might and shots. A sling, at # last, which can compete with bows and crossbows in the later stages of the # game. # Bow of Lothlorien: up to +2 extra might and dex, random ability, free # action, and +10 each to-hit and to-dam. # Crossbow of the Haradrim: a simple yet unsubtle damage machine, extra # might *and* shots (but only +1), damage bonus higher than normal. # Ammo of Holy Might - can only be heavy ammo (seeker bolts, iron shots, # seeker arrows): slay demon, undead, evil, fire brand. # Shovels of Earthquakes: big to-hit and to-dam bonus, decent strength # and tunnelling bonus, but earthquakes. # Version stamp (required) V:1.3.0 ### Body Armor ### # 1 (unused) # 2 (unused) # 3 (unused) N:4:of Resist Acid X:30:16:0 W:0:1:0:1000 T:36:0:99 T:37:0:99 F:RES_ACID | IGNORE_ACID N:5:of Resist Lightning X:30:10:0 W:0:1:0:400 T:36:0:99 T:37:0:99 F:RES_ELEC | IGNORE_ELEC N:6:of Resist Fire X:30:14:0 W:0:1:0:800 T:36:0:99 T:37:0:99 F:RES_FIRE | IGNORE_FIRE N:7:of Resist Cold X:30:12:0 W:0:1:0:600 T:36:0:99 T:37:0:99 F:RES_COLD | IGNORE_COLD N:8:of Resistance X:30:20:0 W:0:2:0:12500 C:0:0:10:0 T:36:0:99 T:37:0:99 F:RES_ACID | RES_ELEC | RES_FIRE | RES_COLD | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD N:9:of Elvenkind X:30:25:2 W:0:4:0:15000 C:0:0:10:3 T:36:0:99 T:37:0:99 F:STEALTH | F:RES_ACID | RES_ELEC | RES_FIRE | RES_COLD | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD ### All armor ### N:10:of Vulnerability X:30:0:0 W:0:2:0:0 C:0:0:50:0 T:36:0:99 T:37:0:99 F:AGGRAVATE | LIGHT_CURSE ### Robes only ### N:11:of Permanence X:30:30:2 W:0:4:0:30000 C:0:0:20:0 T:36:2:2 F:SUST_STR | SUST_DEX | SUST_CON | SUST_INT | SUST_WIS | SUST_CHR | F:HOLD_LIFE | RES_ACID | RES_ELEC | RES_FIRE | RES_COLD | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD ### Heavy metal armor ### N:12:(Dwarven) X:32:18:0 W:0:2:0:5000 C:0:0:15:2 T:37:3:99 F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_FIRE | F:FREE_ACT | INHIBIT_PSI | RES_PSI | F:STR | CON | INFRA | HIDE_TYPE | # 13 (unused) # 14 (unused) # 15 (unused) ### Shields ### N:16:of Resist Acid X:32:16:0 W:0:1:0:1000 T:34:0:99 F:RES_ACID | IGNORE_ACID N:17:of Resist Lightning X:32:10:0 W:0:1:0:400 T:34:0:99 F:RES_ELEC | IGNORE_ELEC N:18:of Resist Fire X:32:14:0 W:0:1:0:800 T:34:0:99 F:RES_FIRE | IGNORE_FIRE N:19:of Resist Cold X:32:12:0 W:0:1:0:600 T:34:0:99 F:RES_COLD | IGNORE_COLD N:20:of Resistance X:32:20:0 W:0:2:0:12500 C:0:0:10:0 T:34:0:99 F:RES_ACID | RES_ELEC | RES_FIRE | RES_COLD | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD # 21 (unused) N:22:of Preservation X:32:25:0 W:40:4:0:20000 C:0:0:20:0 T:34:0:99 F:RES_ACID | RES_FIRE | RES_ELEC | RES_COLD | F:RES_DISEN | SUST_STR | SUST_CON | SUST_DEX | HOLD_LIFE | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD N:23:of Vulnerability X:32:0:0 W:0:2:0:0 C:0:0:50:0 T:34:0:99 F:AGGRAVATE | LIGHT_CURSE ### Crowns and Helms ### N:24:of Intelligence X:33:13:0 C:0:0:0:2 W:0:2:0:500 T:32:0:99 F:INT | SUST_INT N:25:of Wisdom X:33:13:0 W:0:2:0:500 C:0:0:0:2 T:32:0:99 F:WIS | SUST_WIS N:26:of Beauty X:33:8:0 W:0:2:0:1000 C:0:0:0:4 T:32:0:99 F:CHR | SUST_CHR N:27:of the Magi X:33:19:3 W:0:4:0:7500 C:0:0:0:3 T:33:0:99 F:INT | SUST_INT | F:RES_ACID | RES_ELEC | RES_FIRE | RES_COLD | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD N:28:of Might X:33:19:0 W:0:4:0:2000 C:0:0:0:3 T:33:0:99 F:STR | DEX | CON | SUST_STR | SUST_DEX | SUST_CON | FREE_ACT N:29:of Lordliness X:33:17:0 W:0:4:0:2000 C:0:0:0:3 T:33:0:99 F:WIS | CHR | SUST_WIS | SUST_CHR | RES_FEAR | RES_PSI N:30:of Seeing X:33:8:0 W:0:2:0:1000 C:0:0:0:5 T:33:0:99 T:32:0:99 F:SENSING | RES_BLIND | SEE_INVIS N:31:of Infravision X:33:11:0 W:0:2:0:500 C:0:0:0:5 T:32:0:99 F:INFRA | HIDE_TYPE N:32:of Light X:33:6:0 W:0:2:0:500 T:32:0:99 F:LITE | RES_LITE N:33:of Telepathy X:33:20:0 W:0:6:0:50000 T:32:0:99 T:33:0:99 F:TELEPATHY N:34:of Regeneration X:33:10:0 W:0:4:0:1500 T:32:0:99 T:33:0:99 F:REGEN N:35:of Teleportation X:33:0:0 W:0:4:0:0 T:32:0:99 F:TELEPORT | LIGHT_CURSE N:36:of Serenity X:33:20:0 W:0:6:0:4000 T:32:0:99 T:33:0:99 F:RES_SOUND | RES_CONFU | RES_FEAR | RES_PSI N:37:of Night and Day X:33:18:0 W:35:6:0:4000 T:33:0:99 F:RES_LITE | RES_DARK | LITE | SEE_INVIS | RES_BLIND | IGNORE_ACID N:38:of Dullness X:33:0:0 C:0:0:0:5 W:0:6:0:0 T:32:0:99 T:33:0:99 F:INT | WIS | CHR | RES_PSI | INHIBIT_PSI | LIGHT_CURSE N:39:of Sickliness X:33:0:0 C:0:0:0:5 W:0:6:0:0 T:33:0:99 F:STR | DEX | CON | LIGHT_CURSE ### Cloaks ### N:40:of Protection X:31:15:0 W:0:2:0:1500 C:0:0:10:0 T:35:0:99 F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD | RES_SHARD N:41:of Stealth X:31:10:0 W:0:1:0:500 C:0:0:0:3 T:35:0:99 F:STEALTH N:42:of Aman X:31:20:2 W:0:6:0:4000 C:0:0:20:4 T:35:0:99 F:STEALTH | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD N:43:of the Magi X:31:15:3 W:30:3:0:2000 C:0:0:4:2 T:35:0:99 F:INT | SUST_INT | STEALTH | HIDE_TYPE | IGNORE_ACID N:44:of Enveloping X:31:0:0 W:0:3:0:0 C:15:15:0:0 T:35:0:99 F:SHOW_MODS | LIGHT_CURSE N:45:of Vulnerability X:31:0:0 W:0:3:0:0 C:0:0:50:0 T:35:0:99 F:AGGRAVATE | LIGHT_CURSE N:46:of Irritation X:31:0:0 W:0:3:0:0 C:10:10:0:0 T:35:0:99 F:AGGRAVATE | SHOW_MODS | LIGHT_CURSE # 47 (unused) ### Gloves ### N:48:of Free Action X:34:11:0 F:FREE_ACT W:0:4:0:1000 T:31:0:99 N:49:of Slaying X:34:17:0 W:0:4:0:1500 C:5:5:0:0 F:SHOW_MODS T:31:0:99 N:50:of Agility X:34:14:0 W:0:6:0:1000 C:0:0:0:5 T:31:0:99 F:DEX | HIDE_TYPE N:51:of Power X:34:22:0 W:0:6:0:2500 C:5:5:0:5 T:31:0:99 F:STR | SHOW_MODS | HIDE_TYPE N:52:of Thievery X:34:22:0 W:40:12:0:5000 C:8:3:0:5 T:31:1:1 F:DEX | SENSING | SHOW_MODS | FEATHER | FREE_ACT | HIDE_TYPE N:53:of Combat X:34:22:0 W:50:12:0:7000 C:3:8:0:2 T:31:2:99 F:STR | BLOWS | SHOW_MODS | AGGRAVATE | HIDE_TYPE | F:INHIBIT_PSI | INHIBIT_MAGIC | INHIBIT_PRAYER N:54:of Weakness X:34:0:0 W:0:10:0:0 C:0:0:0:10 T:31:0:99 F:STR | LIGHT_CURSE | HIDE_TYPE N:55:of Clumsiness X:34:0:0 W:0:10:0:0 C:0:0:0:10 T:31:0:99 F:DEX | LIGHT_CURSE | HIDE_TYPE ### Boots ### N:56:of Slow Descent X:35:7:0 W:0:5:0:250 T:30:0:99 F:FEATHER N:57:of Stealth X:35:16:0 W:0:6:0:500 C:0:0:0:3 T:30:0:99 F:STEALTH | HIDE_TYPE N:58:of Free Action X:35:15:0 W:0:8:0:1000 F:FREE_ACT T:30:0:99 N:59:of Speed X:35:25:0 W:0:24:0:100000 C:0:0:0:10 T:30:0:99 F:SPEED | HIDE_TYPE N:60:of Stability X:35:20:0 W:0:12:0:5000 T:30:0:99 F:RES_NEXUS | FEATHER N:61:of Elvenkind X:35:30:0 W:60:30:0:200000 C:0:0:0:5 T:30:2:3 F:STEALTH | SPEED | HIDE_TYPE | FEATHER | IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_FIRE N:62:of Slowness X:35:0:0 W:0:10:0:0 C:0:0:0:5 F:SPEED | LIGHT_CURSE | HIDE_TYPE T:30:0:99 N:63:of Annoyance X:35:0:0 W:0:10:0:0 C:0:0:0:10 F:SPEED | STEALTH | AGGRAVATE | LIGHT_CURSE | HIDE_TYPE T:30:0:99 ### Weapons ### N:64:(Holy Avenger) X:24:30:1 W:0:12:0:20000 C:6:6:4:4 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:WIS | F:SLAY_EVIL | SLAY_UNDEAD | SLAY_DEMON | F:SEE_INVIS | BLESSED | RES_FEAR N:65:(Defender) X:24:25:1 W:0:12:0:15000 C:4:4:8:4 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:STEALTH | FREE_ACT | SEE_INVIS | FEATHER | REGEN | F:RES_ACID | RES_ELEC | RES_FIRE | RES_COLD | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD N:66:(Blessed) X:24:20:3 W:0:10:0:5000 C:0:0:0:3 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:WIS | BLESSED N:67:of Gondolin X:24:30:3 W:30:20:0:25000 C:7:7:0:0 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:SLAY_DEMON | SLAY_ORC | SLAY_TROLL | SLAY_DRAGON | F:LITE | RES_DARK | SEE_INVIS | FREE_ACT | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_FIRE N:68:of Westernesse X:24:20:0 W:0:12:0:20000 C:5:5:0:2 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:STR | DEX | CON | F:SLAY_ORC | SLAY_TROLL | SLAY_GIANT | F:FREE_ACT | SEE_INVIS N:69:of Extra Attacks X:24:20:0 W:0:10:0:10000 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 C:0:0:0:2 F:BLOWS | HIDE_TYPE N:70:of Fury X:24:30:0 W:40:33:0:20000 T:21:12:99 T:22:10:99 T:23:16:99 C:10:10:0:2 F:STR | BLOWS | AGGRAVATE | RES_FEAR | HIDE_TYPE | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_FIRE | F:INHIBIT_PSI | INHIBIT_MAGIC | INHIBIT_PRAYER # 71 (unused) # The "Elemental" brands (5) N:72:of Acid X:24:20:0 W:0:10:0:5000 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:BRAND_ACID | RES_ACID | IGNORE_ACID N:73:of Lightning X:24:20:0 W:0:10:0:4500 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:BRAND_ELEC | RES_ELEC | IGNORE_ELEC N:74:of Flame X:24:15:0 W:0:8:0:3500 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:BRAND_FIRE | RES_FIRE | IGNORE_FIRE N:75:of Frost X:24:15:0 W:0:8:0:3000 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:BRAND_COLD | RES_COLD | IGNORE_COLD N:76:of Venom X:24:15:0 W:0:8:0:4000 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:BRAND_POIS # 77 (unused) # 78 (unused) # 79 (unused) # The "Slay" brands (8) N:80:of Slay Animal X:24:18:0 W:0:6:0:3000 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:SLAY_ANIMAL N:81:of Slay Evil X:24:18:0 W:0:6:0:3000 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:SLAY_EVIL N:82:of Slay Undead X:24:18:0 W:0:6:0:3500 T:21:0:18 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:SLAY_UNDEAD N:83:of Slay Demon X:24:14:0 W:0:6:0:3500 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:SLAY_DEMON N:84:of Slay Orc X:24:10:0 W:0:6:0:2500 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:SLAY_ORC N:85:of Slay Troll X:24:10:0 W:0:6:0:2500 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:SLAY_TROLL N:86:of Slay Giant X:24:14:0 W:0:6:0:2500 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:SLAY_GIANT N:87:of Slay Dragon X:24:18:0 W:0:6:0:3500 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:SLAY_DRAGON # The "Kill" brands (8) N:88:of *Slay Animal* X:24:20:0 W:0:20:0:6000 C:0:0:0:2 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:INT | SLAY_ANIMAL | SLOW_DIGEST N:89:of *Slay Evil* X:24:20:3 W:0:20:0:6000 C:0:0:0:2 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:WIS | SLAY_EVIL | BLESSED N:90:of *Slay Undead* X:24:24:0 W:0:20:0:8000 C:0:0:0:2 T:21:0:18 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:WIS | KILL_UNDEAD | SEE_INVIS N:91:of *Slay Demon* X:24:16:0 W:0:20:0:8000 C:0:0:0:2 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:INT | KILL_DEMON | RES_FIRE N:92:of *Slay Orc* X:24:14:0 W:0:20:0:4000 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 C:0:0:0:2 F:DEX | SLAY_ORC | SUST_DEX N:93:of *Slay Troll* X:24:14:0 W:0:20:0:4000 C:0:0:0:2 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:STR | SLAY_TROLL | REGEN N:94:of *Slay Giant* X:24:16:0 W:0:20:0:4000 C:0:0:0:2 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:STR | SLAY_GIANT | SUST_STR N:95:of *Slay Dragon* X:24:24:0 W:0:20:0:8000 C:0:0:0:2 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:CON | KILL_DRAGON | RES_FEAR # 96 (unused) # 97 (unused) # 98 (unused) # 99 (unused) ### Digging Implements ### N:100:of Digging X:24:4:0 W:0:1:0:500 C:0:0:0:4 T:20:0:99 F:TUNNEL | N:101:of Earthquakes X:24:8:0 W:20:4:0:3000 C:10:10:0:6 T:20:0:99 F:STR | TUNNEL | IMPACT | HIDE_TYPE ### Cursed Weapons ### N:102:of Morgul X:24:0:0 W:20:25:0:0 C:0:0:0:0 T:21:0:99 T:22:0:99 T:23:0:99 F:SEE_INVIS | AGGRAVATE | HEAVY_CURSE | LIGHT_CURSE | F:HOLD_LIFE | DRAIN_EXP | SLAY_UNDEAD | BRAND_POIS # 103 (unused) ### Missile Launchers ### N:104:of Accuracy X:25:10:0 W:0:1:0:1000 C:15:0:0:0 T:19:0:99 N:105:of Power X:25:10:0 W:0:1:0:1000 C:0:15:0:0 T:19:0:99 N:106:of Lothlorien X:25:30:3 W:50:4:0:20000 C:10:10:0:2 T:19:12:13 F:DEX | MIGHT | FREE_ACT | IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_FIRE | HIDE_TYPE N:107:of the Haradrim X:25:30:0 W:50:4:0:20000 C:5:15:0:1 T:19:23:24 F:MIGHT | SHOTS | IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_FIRE | HIDE_TYPE N:108:of Extra Might X:25:20:0 W:0:2:0:10000 C:5:10:0:1 F:MIGHT | HIDE_TYPE T:19:0:99 N:109:of Extra Shots X:25:20:0 W:0:2:0:10000 C:10:5:0:1 F:SHOTS | HIDE_TYPE T:19:0:99 N:110:of Buckland X:25:25:0 W:40:4:0:20000 C:8:8:0:2 T:19:1:1 F:DEX | SHOTS | MIGHT | IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_FIRE | HIDE_TYPE N:111:of the Nazgul X:25:0:0 W:0:3:0:0 C:10:10:0:0 T:19:0:99 F:LIGHT_CURSE | DRAIN_EXP | SEE_INVIS ### Ammo ### N:112:of Slay Animal X:23:10:0 W:0:6:0:20 T:16:0:99 T:17:0:99 T:18:0:99 F:SLAY_ANIMAL N:113:of Slay Evil X:23:10:0 W:0:6:0:20 T:16:0:2 T:17:0:2 T:18:0:2 F:SLAY_EVIL N:114:of Slay Undead X:23:10:0 W:0:8:0:25 T:16:0:99 T:17:0:99 T:18:0:99 F:SLAY_UNDEAD N:115:of Slay Demon X:23:10:0 W:0:8:0:25 T:16:0:99 T:17:0:99 T:18:0:99 F:SLAY_DEMON N:116:of Acid X:23:10:0 W:0:9:0:50 T:16:0:99 T:17:0:99 T:18:0:99 F:BRAND_ACID | IGNORE_ACID N:117:of Lightning X:23:10:0 W:0:9:0:45 T:16:0:99 T:17:0:99 T:18:0:99 F:BRAND_ELEC | IGNORE_ELEC N:118:of Slay Giant X:23:10:0 W:0:8:0:25 T:16:0:99 T:17:0:99 T:18:0:99 F:SLAY_GIANT N:119:of Slay Dragon X:23:10:0 W:0:8:0:40 T:16:0:99 T:17:0:99 T:18:0:99 F:SLAY_DRAGON N:120:of Holy Might X:23:20:0 W:40:15:0:60 C:10:10:0:0 T:16:2:99 T:17:2:99 T:18:2:99 F:SLAY_EVIL | SLAY_DEMON | SLAY_UNDEAD | BRAND_FIRE | BLESSED F:IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_ACID N:121:of Venom X:23:10:0 W:0:6:0:40 T:16:0:2 T:17:0:2 T:18:0:2 F:BRAND_POIS N:122:of Flame X:23:10:0 F:BRAND_FIRE | IGNORE_FIRE W:0:6:0:35 T:16:0:99 T:17:0:99 T:18:0:99 N:123:of Frost X:23:10:0 F:BRAND_COLD | IGNORE_COLD W:0:6:0:30 T:16:0:99 T:17:0:99 T:18:0:99 N:124:of Wounding X:23:5:0 W:0:4:0:20 C:5:5:0:0 T:16:0:99 T:17:0:99 T:18:0:99 N:125:of Backbiting X:23:0:0 W:0:12:0:0 C:50:50:0:0 T:16:0:99 T:17:0:99 T:18:0:99 F:LIGHT_CURSE ### Special Broken Items ### # Destroyed Weapon N:126:(Shattered) X:24:0:0 W:0:0:0:0 C:5:5:0:0 # Destroyed Body Armor N:127:(Blasted) X:30:0:0 W:0:0:0:0 C:0:0:10:0 ### Trapping Kits ### N:128:of Extra Might X:0:5:0 T:11:1:3 W:0:1:0:1000 C:20:20:0:2 F:MIGHT N:129:of Extra Shots X:0:10:0 T:11:0:99 W:0:1:0:2000 C:20:20:0:3 F:SHOTS N:130:(automatic) X:0:15:0 T:11:0:99 W:0:1:0:3000 C:10:10:0:0 F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_COLD | IGNORE_FIRE | F:AUTOMATIC_5 N:131:(fully automatic) X:0:15:0 T:11:0:99 W:0:1:0:5000 C:10:10:0:0 F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_COLD | IGNORE_FIRE | F:AUTOMATIC_99 N:132:(well-hidden) X:0:5:0 T:11:0:99 W:0:1:0:1000 C:15:15:5:12 F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_COLD | IGNORE_FIRE | F:STEALTH | HIDE_TYPE N:133:(complicated) X:0:10:0 T:11:0:99 W:0:1:0:2000 C:15:15:30:0 F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_COLD | IGNORE_FIRE N:134:(obvious) X:0:0:0 T:11:0:99 W:0:1:0:0 C:20:20:20:20 F:STEALTH | LIGHT_CURSE | HIDE_TYPE N:135:for Dragons X:0:5:0 T:11:0:99 W:0:3:0:500 C:20:20:10:4 F:STEALTH | ONLY_DRAGON | HIDE_TYPE | SHOTS | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_FIRE N:136:for Demons X:0:5:0 T:11:0:99 W:0:3:0:500 C:20:20:10:4 F:STEALTH | ONLY_DEMON | HIDE_TYPE | SHOTS F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_FIRE N:137:for Animals X:0:5:0 T:11:0:99 W:0:3:0:500 C:20:20:10:4 F:STEALTH | ONLY_ANIMAL | HIDE_TYPE | SHOTS N:138:for Undead X:0:5:0 T:11:0:99 W:0:3:0:500 C:20:20:10:4 F:STEALTH | ONLY_UNDEAD | HIDE_TYPE | SHOTS | KILL_GHOST N:139:for Evil X:0:5:0 T:11:0:99 W:0:3:0:500 C:20:20:10:4 F:STEALTH | ONLY_EVIL | HIDE_TYPE | SHOTS | KILL_GHOST